Thoughts & ideas around the things that actually matters.

Get Fit With Physiotherapy
Change Your Life Physiotherapy as described by World Physiotherapy is a health care profession concerned with human function and movement and maximizing physical potential. It is concerned with identifying and maximizing quality of life and movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment/intervention, habilitation and rehabilitation HOME HEALTH CARE Making Fitness Fun Physiotherapy becomes […]

Easy and Accurate Food Intolerance Test at Home
Food intolerance is an adverse reaction to food as a result of the poor ability to digest or absorb that specific food. For some individuals, it can be very problematic. They are extremely common. An estimated 20% of the world’s population suffers from food intolerances and this seems to be on the rise (1). Common […]

How a Professional Lactation Consultant at Twinkle Can Support Your Breastfeeding Journey?
Breastfeeding is essential for healthy growth and development of your baby and crucial for mother-infant bonding. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommends exclusively breastfeeding for the first six months of your baby’s life (1). Breastfeeding has to be done properly because during the first few months it […]

UAE International Day of Persons with Disability
How people in the society label individuals with special needs can also have an impact on how young people with disabilities view themselves. Responding to labels can test self-identity and self-value. Caregivers can play a key role in shaping the self-perceptions of young people. People of determination who consider themselves successful generally accept their special […]

Potty Training
The key to potty training success is starting when your child is interested, willing, and physically able to. While some children are ready as young as 18 months, others may not be prepared to learn until well past their third birthday. Potty Training Tips: Let them watch and learn Toddlers learn by imitation and watching […]

Worried about leaving your child for the first time – here are some tips on how to help prepare!
Leaving your child for the first time can be a traumatic experience for both you and your child but the reality is that once you leave, they are quickly engaged in activities and tend to forget about you! Of course, this is the aim and our childcare experts at Twinkle Home Health Care know exactly […]

When do children stop napping?
This will differ from child to child and the age varies greatly. Some children will be ready to stop napping by the age of two, while other children will continue to need naps up to the age of four and in some cases even later. The average age children say goodbye to nap time is […]

How to help develop your little one’s speech and language skills
One of the most valuable learning tools in developing correct articulation is providing your little one with suitable talking experiences but BEWARE OF BABY TALK! It is more efficient to help children develop the correct language skills from the beginning than to try to correct later once habits have formed. Remember, your little one is […]